Now, for some profound happiness.
Thank God You’re Here.
You being YOU is just what the world needs now. Thank God you’re here, because the world would be incomplete without you.
You do YOU perfectly.
No one else on the planet can do YOU even remotely as well as you do.
Every experience of your life, every decision – good and bad – has led to the perfectly imperfect version of YOU who is here right now. The successes and loving relationships, of course. But even more so, the challenges and heartbreaks.
Your comebacks have always been stronger than your setbacks.
The courage and strength you’ve developed overcoming life’s trials has led to an ever more perfect version of YOU. You’ve learned from each hurdle; and now have the wisdom to competently navigate similar challenges next time.
If your life today doesn’t feel brilliant to you then perhaps you have yet to discover the concepts and principles for accepting, acknowledging and expanding its degree of magnificence. There may be levels of inner peace, loving relationships, joyful living, and abundance that have hidden from you. Ways to eliminate stress, conquer your inner demons and deepen your self-love – thus evolving YOU as the Hero of your life story.
My vision is to encourage and inspire your inner Hero to emerge. To guide you to Upgrade Your Lifestyle – not once, but continually – to move you ever closer to a Steady State of Happiness. Where you become expert at being the absolute greatest expression of YOU.
Where you wake up every day feeling the excitement of life; and the day presents a multitude of satisfying and even delightful experiences. Where you navigate everyday stress with grace and ease. And while relaxing into a good night’s sleep, gratitude is top of mind for another magical day.
We all desire, expect and deserve happiness. Yet so few of us achieve it for more than a few minutes at a time. The truth – hiding in plain sight – is that in order to achieve a lasting state of happiness, one must adopt certain ideas, beliefs and behaviors. And then practice them regularly.
It’s like achieving anything worthwhile. If one chooses to become a concert pianist, they study how to translate sheet music into fingering on the piano. They learn concepts of rhythm, and harmony, and musical theory. They memorize a piece, then practice and polish it every day. This is the only path to a virtuoso performance.
The same is true for achieving happiness. Without fundamental principles and practices that guide you to happiness you may find yourself stuck at something less than a 10 on a 0-10 happiness scale.
Whether you just want to quit suffering, or you aspire to a virtuoso performance of life – when you learn, practice and polish the proven principles of happiness like a concert pianist – a greater version of YOU will naturally evolve.
Life as Art
/6 Comments/in The Journey, Transformation /by BobbyIf your life were a painting, how would it look?
How would you respond?
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Three ways to slay your dragons
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