I get periodic inspirations to write in this blog from multiple sources – from in-sights that just bubble up from within; from questions people ask me; from Facebook memes that show up in my feed; and from the next thing that happens today. I enjoy writing to inspire and encourage. And occasionally I get an AHA! from writing about that which seems to flow through rather than from me.
Anything you read about in this blog is treated in much greater detail in Upgrade Your Lifestyle: 10 Keys to Unlock a Steady State of Happiness. Rather than remind you of that in each individual post, it seems way easier to just make that statement here. My book is a comprehensive system to make small incremental upgrades in your way of being in the world; along with examples, exercises and practices. If you like what you read here, you’ll love the book!
If you don’t have your copy yet, why not?
Life as Art
/22 Comments/in The Journey, Transformation /by BobbyIf your life were a painting, how would it look?
How would you respond?
/11 Comments/in Consciousness, Emotions, Gratitude, Happiness, Self-Awareness, Self-development, Self-worth /by BobbyLet’s say you were to contract a debilitating illness or physical capacity limitation as a result of an auto accident, stroke or other sudden event. How would you respond? Would you adopt the attitude of a victor or a victim?
/159 Comments/in Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, The Camino, The Journey, Transformation /by BobbyWhile on my training walk today, I received a rather huge in-sight.
Three ways to slay your dragons
/7 Comments/in Forgiveness, Personal growth, Self-Awareness, Transformation /by BobbySometimes our perpetrators are angels in disguise…
/772 Comments/in Personal growth, Self-development, Spiritual Awakening, Spirituality, Transformation /by BobbyWhy do the Enlightened Ones blast their state of being out all over social media?
Uneven Surfaces
/158 Comments/in Emotions, Personal growth, Self-development, Spirituality, The Camino, The Journey, Transformation, Travel /by BobbySometimes, when we walk the uneven surfaces of life, we are grandly rewarded.
The language of wrongness
/11 Comments/in Consciousness, Creating with Mind, Happiness, Self-realization, The Journey /by BobbyThere’s no end to the social outrage over the state of the world today.